Sunday, January 30, 2011

Activity 4: Reading & Gap-Fill

a) Add the following words to the text below.


b) Using the dictionary find the meaning of the ten underlined words/phrases in the text.


a helmet
Head protection is worn for hurling.

It is important because of the speed that the ball travels and the fact that hurleys can be swung at head height.

Not all players at the top level will use it but in women's games and at ______ level head protection is compulsory.

The lightweight headgear is capable of withstanding high impact, and is used to prevent blows to the head and damage to their ears.

a gum shield
An increasing number of top  hurlers are wearing gum shields these days.

The gum shield not only protects your teeth and gums during physical contact, it can reduce damage around the jaw and the possibility of concussion.

As everybody's ______ is different, so every gum shield should fit perfectly around the top half of a player's mouth.

The best way of doing this is to go and see your ______, who will ensure the shield is right for your mouth.

As every player on the pitch has to touch the ball, many players wear gloves to give themselves a better grip of the ball, especially in ______.

There are two types. Some wear goalkeeping type gloves with latex rubber on the palms which gives good grip on the ball especially if it is ______.

The other kind which are common are a woollen/acrylic type material with rubber dimples on the palm and fingers which give grip on the ball.


a hurley

The hurley is made of ______ and they come in different sizes.

It must comply with the rules of the game and it is best to get one that is a good size and weight for you.

Don't worry about it being too light to get power when striking the ball because if it was too heavy then you won't be able to swing it at the ______.

a sliotar

The hurling ball - known as the sliotar - is much smaller than a football, around the size of a cricket or hockey ball and equally as hard.

The ball should be played with on ______ where possible as bouncing it on hard surfaces like concrete will impair the quality of the ball. 

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