Sunday, January 30, 2011

Activity 3: True or False.


1. In both hurling & camogie the stick is called a hurley? T/F
2. The ball used in camogie is heavier than the ball used in hurling? T/F
3. Hurling is a more modern sport that camogie. T/F
4. You can pick up the ball with your hands in camogie but not in hurling? T/F
5. In both sports you can carry the ball for only three steps? T/F
6. Camogie players wear shorts, jerseys & protective helmets? T/F
7. Ice hockey isn't as fast as hurling? T/F
8 In hurling the goalkeeper wears the same uniform as the rest of the team? T/F
9. There are twelve players in a camogie team? T/F
10. Women started playing camogie around 1900? T/F

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