Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The cruel warrior from Munster

Many many years ago when the Celts ruled over Ireland, there was a strongful warrior called Conor. He was one of the most powerful boys in Munster and he wanted to become the most famous and wealthy warrior in the whole of Ireland. However, he was too greedy for fame. When he played hurling with his friends, he always wanted to win and be the first in any way. So, the others started to hate him.

Conor left the village, and went wandering all across Ireland with his sword, killing and sacking everywhere. The years passed, and the fame of the terrible boy from Munster spread.

One day he arrived in a village in Ulster. He wanted to steal all the cattle and show his fierce strength. He entered a hut and he saw an old woman asking for pity. Conor put his sword in her chest. Before dying, she said: “You think you are the best warrior of the world, but you are wrong. I tell you when you get more wealth and power, you will be more alone day by day up to your death.” After she said that to him she died. He did not mind those words and he continued to kill and sack.

When Conor became old, he was the most powerful person in Ireland. All the Irish kings had to submit to him. He ordered them to build a great castle on a hill where he lived among huge amounts of gold. However, he was sad and alone. Nobody loved him, everyone was afraid of him.

 One night, while he was sleeping, he felt a hard pain at the heart. He saw a soul in front of him: it was the old woman's spirit, who said that Conor was dying because of his greediness. Conor understood he had to give up his cruel life. He did, and he died happy.

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