Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Transport systems are blocked- Marta

We are having a long period of snowfall that began on the 1st February. Schools have been closed, public transport is not running, railways are covered by snow so trains cannot leave. Everything is blocked!

Dublin under the snowflakes
On the 5th February Dublin Airport was closed to allow snow to be cleared from the runways, delaying flights. Later flights were cancelled.
People are still waiting to leave, but no flights can take off yet.

In the city there is enough salt so buses cannot run. This causes unease for people who use always them to go to work or to school. Moreover because there are no buses people have to walk so a lot of pedestrians have to walk on the streets and they could break their bones.

Besides the rail system cannot run because of the snow on the rails.

Now we are looking for good news from weather forecast hoping that it will not snow again.

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