Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Vain Princess

Once upon a time a pretty princess lived in a castle with her parents. She was so beautiful that her parents didn't want people to see her, so she wasn't allowed to go out from the castle.
Because of her beauty she was really vain.
One day, an old servant died, so the king and the queen found a new governess.
The new one was as vain as the princess, but uglier, so she was jealous of her. One night the servant told the princess of a lake that was near her castle, its' water was magic and made people more beautiful than they are.
The following evening the vain princess escaped from the castle and found the lake. She drank the magic water and fell asleep. When she got up and looked at herself in the water - she had magically become a deer: the servant had lied to her.
Unluckily that morning her parents were hunting in the garden and when his father saw her he killed her with his bow.

 The moral of the story is not to be vain.

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