Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Poor yet Lucky

Once upon a time, in a country far far away, lived a poor young man called McZamps. He was so poor that he wore an old sack of potatoes as trousers.

One day he was starving, wandering around the market and staring at the food, but he had no money, so he could not buy anything.

Then, he looked at the greengrocer's, and he saw that the peddler was talking with a woman. McZamps decided to steal a big red apple. He tried to run away, but the sheriff who was walking around the market square saw the poor man and caught him.

At that time, because there was a famine, food thieves were punished severely. So McZamps was sent into exile on an island far far away.

After two weeks scouting the island he discovered a mysterious underground cave. It was a forgotten base of pirates, containing their secret treasure.

After few weeks a boat arrived at the island searching for food. McZamps prayed the capitain to take him back to the mainland, in exchange for gold.

The captain was very happy with the dial, so McZamps went back to the continent, and lived a wonderful life with the gold he had found, thanking the sheriff who had caught him that day.

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