Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dublin Airport closes because of snow - Filippo Carnovalini

by Filippo Carnovalini

DAA blocked
Over the last couple of days Ireland has been experiencing heavy snowfalls, resulting in terrible consequences. The latest issue caused by the snow is the closure of Dublin's Airport.
Yesterday, DAA claimed that the runways were too slippery to allow any plane land or take off, so the airport was closed from 1.00 to 19.45. This led to the cancellation of about 200 flights. Some of the flights were diverted to other airports.
Even though the airport opened again, all the Aer Lingus flights were cancelled. The company plans to operate a full schedule today. Aer Arann had to cancel six flights and to divert two others, but the company promised that the cancelled flights have been re-scheduled for today.
Today some delays have already been experienced, particulary in Belfast, where the George Best Belfast City Airport is affected by adverse weather conditions.
Today's weather forecast is not positive, so there is a strong possibility that more flights are going to be cancelled. Passengers are advise to contact their carriers before going to the airport.

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